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tv   ABC7 News at 900PM on KOFY  KOFY  March 4, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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>> good evening. we begin with that face off between 2 of the world super powers. russia and the united states. the eyes of the world still right here on one side europe. on the other russian a.driven by strong men putin and in the middle ukrain ukraine. the peninsula and international tug of war. and
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late today abc news tale of massive military convoy for more than an hour. 40 vehicle with russian license plate stretching for miles. devin has more. >> thank you thank you. >> on the streets of kiev american top diplomat treated like hero. symbol of u.s. solidarity in the face of cold war style russian intimidation. secretary of state john kerry paid tribute 0ukraine activist killed in last month revolutio revolution. then met with leaders of the new pro western government. from moscow russian president putin called the new regime illegitimate and liken u.s. support to rung experiment on rat. as for the russian speaking soldiers now in full control of parts of southern ukraine, putin claimed they are not his. >> really deny there were troops there. russia has been working hard to create a
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pre-text for being able to invade further. >>reporter: the white house calls that possibility a glaring red line. that russia already meddling in ukraine against international law. >> facts on the ground indicate right now he's not abiding bye-bye that principal. >>reporter: putin says he has no immediate plans to use military force inside ukraine. slight change in tone that triggered a regional sigh of relief. market around the world rallied on the news giving wall street its best day all year. but then seemingly provocative move. russia fired intercontinental ballistic missile part of previously planned test. tomorrow secretary kerry host a summit with the russian ukraine foreign minister to try to reach a diplomatic solution to the stand off. this is abc news new york. they haven't touched on this what a davis day makes. wall street world market
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rebound significantly today after russian president putin decided to back off from heavy military intervention in ukraine. the dow was up nearly one and a half percent or about 228 points. it fell 153 points yesterday because of the tension in ukraine. >> well happening now on the bay bridge. traffic getting back to normal after mess that shut down several lanes. this is a live look now from our south beach camera. shows traffic moving smoothly on the lower deck heading east. as you can see pretty busy. it wasn't like this just about an hour ago. traffic came to stop after large rocks fell off of the vehicle. debris has since been removed. >> well the bay area is on a storm break right now but another round of rain is going to be here soon. let's check in with about spencer live on the roof of the broadcast center with live doppler 7hd. >> storm break what we have right now so let's go to live doppler 7hd and see what might be develop in the way of storm coming our way. the moment we
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have pretty quiet weather conditions a little bit of moisture in the atmosphere provided by clouds that are part of the long stream. look at the stream of moisture and clouds reaching all the way out to sea beyond the hawaiian islands moving generally in our direction. only problem is there's not a lot of moisture in the moisture stream. just enough to bring us a little bit of rainfall. so let's start our forecast animation at 11:00 o'clock tonight at which point it's still cloudy but we don't expect any real rain to arrive until early tomorrow morning with basically drizzle down in parts of north bay around the golden gate that san francisco. could be some wet spots forth morning commute but not wide spread rainfall but by later in the day in the afternoon we see more wide spread rape in the north bay with areas of rain east and south in other parts of the bay area and more area wide for the late afternoon and evening commute but again it doesn't look like this is going to be the kind of heavy rain we need to really put a dent in our rainfall deficit so i look a little bit longer into the
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forecast feature few minutes with the accu-weather 7 day forecast. >> see you shortly. hundreds of people gather tonight to remember a martinez teenager killed by train over the weekend. freight train hit 14-year-old janet sunday as she tried to retrieve a cell phone she dropped while walking along the track with a friend. this is video from tonight vigil for her at her school. martinez junior high school. about 1,000 friends classmates teachers and neighbors showed up. there were a lot of tears as they lit candle and shared stories of her telling them what she meant to them. she died so tragically at 14. so many came to remember her tonight though. >> turns out transgender teenager who reported being assault entered a high school restroom made up the whole story. the transgender student identifies as male told police he was assaulted physically and sexually in a boy bathroom at hercules high school. that was yesterday. today police said it was all false.
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investigators got suspicious when they found no sign of injury to his head or face. the school district says it was clearly a cry for help. >> yes it is a cray for help we need to be supportive and compassionate and the child is just 15 years old we have to find out what's going on in the home. what's going on in the neighbor. what's going on with the fact that you are transgender. are they suffering bully cry for help? >> not clear whether police will file charges here. district says it's a wake up call for them. they move to install surveillance camera at that school. free. >> fremont police asking for help finding a man suspected of sexually assaulting a woman sunday afternoon along popular hiking trail. victim in high school told officers that she was grabbed from behind while walking along alameda creek regional trail. suspect is described as white man in his 30's. 5 feet 10, 185 pounds or so with short black curly hair and black beard. he wore a royal blue shirt and basketball shorts at the time. now this
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attack happened near cal ban drive and steffano court in fremont. contact police medley. >> the san francisco board of supervisors has approved a plan to ban the sale of plastic water bottles on city property. legislation tarts 21 ounce water bottle and smaller. it prevents them from being sold on city property or at city sponsored events. board of supervisors president chew has been carrying around a plastic water bottle with oil inside to demonstrate how much oil it takes to make a bottle ship it and recycle it. >> this is your typical single serving plastic water bottle what we are trying to phase ou out. >> many venue bring in money for the city not happy about this ban. won't be allowed to sell bottled water but could offer these water filling stations instead. bottle letters imposed. >> we know courage people to drink water so ferry drinking water from a filling station that's great option as well.
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healthy choice. when the issue that we have is essentially attacking bottled water. >> supervisors will consider this issue again in one week but they are expected to make this the law at that time. >> well we have new video of that outrageous heist of a lottery vending machine at fremont supermarket this weekend. surveillance pictures show the breaking through the frt door of the lucky supermarket on mission boulevard. he makes off with the scratcher vending machine look at the guy hauling it away. when police found after the cash was gone, later the cash was gone and so were some of the lottery tickets scratc scratchers are traceable. that means lottery investigators will know when the culprit tra trays to cash any winning ticket but he did get the money in the accept. >> more to bring you tonight on abc 7 news at 9. follow-up on the bear cub found roaming tahoe ski resort. what likely woke up, woke him up from the winter snooze. >> the women of bishop the
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extraordinary measures that they are taking to get their championship basketball team into the play offs. >> also what united airlines is doing about those over sized carry on bags. this is information you need to have. information you need to have. 7 news so i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multi-car, paperless. you make a mighty fine missus, m'lady. i'm not saying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i saved him $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ring.
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to keep chasing all the horizons you want. introducing the all-new 2014 jeep cherokee. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. save 25% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one for later.
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>> the hoop dreams for the girl basketball team at oakland bishop dowd may over for the season. team has been disqualified from the state play offs over a technicality that has turned into a really big deal. here's is nick smit smith. >> we just feel like if it all works 0up we'll be able to fulfill our goal that we created at the beginning of the season. >> holding out hope the latest effort by her team coaches parents and a public relations push can sway the opinion of the north coast section and allow the girls to play basketball and try to defend their state championship. >> very disappointing that league game that we blew out was our last game. just a matter of keeping our heads up and staying strong. >>reporter: team was disqualified from the ncs after it was discovered that the
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dragon played 27 games. that's one more than the rules allow. >> based on that they are eliminate from our championshi championships and don't have any opportunity to good on to the cif nor cal championship. >> team crowd foul. look for a loop hole in the rules. girls are hoping pressure from the public in the form of petition with more than 4000 signatures will push the ncs to reverse the decision and rule in their favor. this weekend is the last that a change can be made. >> that is not the policy we follow and so any petition really would not carry any weight. >> if the school and the record for the regular season is contend a spot in the regional play offs, the ncs has other reeinger -- eager excited girls ready to play ball. this year would be competitors wouldn't have the opportunity they like most. chance to defeat the state no. 1 team and slay the dragon. >> let us play nishtion oakland, abc 7 news. >> lease dispute between landlord and oakland gym kept
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members from getting a work out today. club 1 fitness at oakland city center e mailed members it wouldn't open this morning. landlord wanted to renegotiate the lease after new gym owner took over and changed the name to active sports club but there is good news to report. we received late word that settlement reached and club will reopen. club 1 has about 7000 members at the oakland location. >> it looks like the old bay bridge may live on long after the demolition. local entrepreneur has launched project to recycle the medal beam from the bridge to build a community center. also include residence and apartment that could be rented tout visitors. and artist group has also been lobbying for some of the scrap metal. they are hoping to use to it create public art projects and to build bus shelters park benches and more with the steel. >> young bear found wandering the ski slope at heavenly now expected to make full recovery but raising some concern among wild life experts. about
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jonathan has the story. >> heavenly the bear now snoozing peacefully. watch him on web cam but can't see much except when the vet checks on him. >> he has great prognosis will heal and he's thin and he's on special diet right now and on antibiotics and pain killsers. >>reporter: he's supposed to be drouzy this time of year but not long ago the bear was awake and frolicking up on the ski slochlt hybernating bear is light sleeper. >> he roll around snore sometimes gets up and stretche stretches. he's moving. >>reporter: brian says nature has answer for. that just like you close the window and draw the shade when you sleep. >> normally a bear will go into a den and snow will coverup the entrance and buffer him in and soundproof him. keep it dark and quiet. >>reporter: as long as there is snow. this year there was hardly any. >> the opening to their den are just open to the world. open to the sky and the sound. >>reporter: that she says starts a troubling chain reaction. bears sleep in the
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winter because hardly any food if they wake up early they think it's springtime with no green on the ground and no berry on the tree. >> they come where there is food that is in our neighborhood and in our home. >>reporter: now in the midst of drought and unseasonably warm winter brian says lake tahoe should brace for more thin hungry thirsty bear lumbering in town. >> they are going to be coming down more and crossing through our neighborhood to get to the lake which about very soon will probably be the only source of water that is available to the them. >>reporter: but she says you can help if a bear wakes up early still a chance to go back to hybernating as long as he doesn't eat. >> unfortunate thing physician someone has accidentally left the garbage accessible once he comes out and starts eating then he's up. >> don't feed the bear lock up the garbage that's the lesson. bad enough the bear will work with the department of fish wild life to put food out in the wood and lure bear away from the neighborhood. as for heavenly the behavior he's
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about 30 pound under weight right now but once they faten him up they take him back out on the wood and set him free. abc 7 news. >> news reporter in new jersey learned the cold hard facts about never turning your back to oncoming traffic. watch. >> known as hilly he only had one summer with the phillies there goes a couple plow demonstrating -- what i said hitting us all right there you go. here comes another one. >> that's steve of wxtf, tv philadelphia showered with snow while covering the latest storm to hit the east coast. he was 20 feet from the road which discuss guess to show you how far plow can throw snow at high speeds. look at it. just plastered by it. he joked that a reporter from another tv station must have been driving the plow. he's fine. but it was pretty funny piece of tape. >> leget the full accu-weather forecast. experience is back on the roof of the broadcast center. in
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all the years reporting live on weather coverage something lick that has come close to happening. >> absolutely. last time that happened al roque wares driving the truck. >> there you go. gma. >> just kidding. i have been drenched. i have been in hurricane as you know. blizzard it's not comfortable but in this case it wasn't mother nature. it was motor vehicle. >> that's right. >> kind of strange. let's go to live doppler 7hd current weather conditions and pleasant up on the roof. milder when i was here at 6:00 o'clock. so we have cloud over the bay area but no precipitation you can see on live doppler 7hd not showing any green returns on the screen there. just a little spotty moisture offshore moving towards the coast line. so here's live view from the roof top camera looking along the embarcadero on the pleasant tuesday evening. it's 57 degrees writ now at san francisco. oakland 56. 57 redwood city. upper 50's at san jose los gatos. 54 at half man basement here's live view
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at sfo looking at some cloud hovering over the airport. it's 57 in santa rosa right now 56 in nap a.60 in san rafael. that's the mild side and 50 mid to upper 50's at fair field concord and livermore. one more live view looking along the bay bridge from the emeryville camera. forecast feature cloudy and mild overnight. we expect rain to develop again tomorrow. mainly in the afternoon and continuing overnight in thursday morning and spring like warmth prevail on friday saturday. satellite image shows the events frontal system that has so far pushed just few asorted cloud layer into -- layer into the bay area. we'll get rainfall. don't expect heavy rain but you see farther out to sea area of disturbed weather with thunderstorm. >> might get isolated thunderstorm or 2. forecast animation at 7:00 o'clock tomorrow morning at which point rain up around clover dale and then later in the day by early afternoon we see rain spread to go all parts of the north bay and down beyond the golden gat gate. by late afternoon rain
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will be pushing in and evening into the east bay south bay on to the peninsula and then overnight tomorrow night the front continues to sweep through bringing us more wet weather but out of here just buff here. 5:00 o'clock thursday morning beginning of rush hour not much rain after 5:00 a.m. thursday but there could be wet pavement enough left over to slow down the morning commute on thursday. then by midmorning thursday. we see a little sunshine breaking through. also by 10:00 o'clock thursday morning we look at rainfall total that are not so great. only 5 hundredths inch to quarter inch over most of the bay area. maybe half inch to inch in the north bay mountains. rainfall deficit still severe. most location need close to more than 10 inches of rain to get up to the normal levels for this time in the season. overnight tonight cloudy skies maybe a little drizzle in the north bay. mild low pressure generally in the mid 50's. and tomorrow as rain develops in the north bay we still have a pretty mild day especially in the east bay and south bay where high pressure will reach
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into the upper 60's severe 70 and here's the accu-weather 7 day forecast. nice and mild to warm on friday saturday. don't forget to set the clock ahead one hour overnight saturday night into sunday as we start daylight saving time on sunday. chance of more written developing on sunday so we have a little rain tomorrow night and a little rain on sunday. not enough to really put a dent in the rainfall deficit but every little bit that we get is beneficial in a small way dan. >> yes it all helps. >> it does. >> thank you sir. >> still to kilometer on 7 news at finance:00. veteran who cameut to cheer on some runners getting some cheer of his own from a thankful his own from a thankful naichlingts it's really a g
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save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.ould yep, everybody knows that.
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well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah.
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[ male announcer ] switch to u-verse and add a wireless receiver today. ♪
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>> some sand news to report exploratorium native who was the first asian american officer in the history of the united states marine corps has died. major kurt lee serve entered 3 war and attained the rank of second lieutenant after the second world war. he served with valor in korea. saving as many as 8,000 men from death or capture. he would later 7 the navy cross and the silver star. he also served in vietnam. last month he served as honorary grand marshall of the chinese new year parade in san francisco. major kurt lee was 87 years old. >> video first shown on 7 news this past sunday is now being seen all over the world. >> thank you. >> doing a good job. get right into it. >> 95-year-old world war ii veteran came out to support runners in a race through san jose. as he cheered them on, dozens of runners took a days tour to show their appreciation
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to joe bell. shaking his hand and offering their thanks for his service. this is video from our media partner bay area news group. run supports the pat tillman foundation providing scholarship to mit tear veteran. he was the nfl star killed serving over seas. the woman who took the pictures says joe bell wore uniform to inspire the runners and now he is inspiring people everywhere. >> another half hour of news at 9:00 just moments away. new mystery surrounding those gold coins found buried in the sierra we have been telling you about. are they now the bounty from a century old heist? >> also. national restaurant chain that is warning has a warning about global warming and how it could affect what they serve on the menu. >> plus just minutes past the official end of fat tuesday. in new orleans. another half hour of 7 news
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[son] she has no idea. [man] no one told her,right? [son]hi! [mom screams]
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♪ [ male announcer ] spring is calling. save 25% when you buy two scotts fertilizers -- one to use now and one for later.
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is. >> good evening once again. start this half hour with those 10 million dollars in rare gold coins we told but last week. they have generated plenty of buzz and some theories as well. more than the question of who is the anonymous couple who found the coins there is another where did they come from any way? tonight 7 news reporter wayne has one theory. >> once again here's that proverbial pot of gold u.s. coins laid out on a table in tiburon. the pot found in cannes. mystery still unfolding after unnamed couple discovered them on their property. in the sierra foot hills last year. >> have you heard a theory yet that you hadn't already explored. >> no. >> really? >> really. >>reporter: dr. donald is a dealer and possibly the the
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world foremost expert on rare coin and associate mccarty handling the sale in may and more than a few wild theory sprung up since last week including >> a name walter dim came up. >> this robbery of the san francisco mint is something i was aware of before i saw the coins. >>reporter: but jack a coin lover and skype video has a theory. dim ick was san francisco mint employee convicted of stealing 30,000 dollars from the vault during an extended period of time. money that has never turned up. >> i felt very strongly that i had solved the case or what had happened. >> except that today spokesman for the mint told us and dr. doctor the money was not a match. among other clue at least one of the found coin comes from a mint in georgia. mr. trout actually seemed relieved for the people who found the stash.
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>> there's no way the government should come in and take these people coins. it's fought right. it was on their property. they dug it up. they found them and that's it. it's just cut and dry. >> so much to do about nothing. if nothing is 10 million dollars. >> we love the story were you the the story. >> just coins. >> with the story. >> history. if it wasn't before it is now. in tiburon abc 7 news. >> all right. now the coin taking another hit. small bank called flex coin says it was hacked and robbed of all the coins and left a note on the web site saying it's shutting down medley this announcement comes just days after one of the largest bit coin exchange filed for bankruptcy after losing bit coins valued at 4 25 million dollars. plex coin lost 600,000 dollars worth. >> sonoma ice cream shop will
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stay in the pink. some residents did not like the pink door at grandma linda ice cream. shop recently changed hands and opponent claim the color was not in keeping with the area. sits in the middle of the city historic plaza. last night the city council denied the appeal saying the color did nothing to diminish the 124-year-old character of the building. so it stays pin pink. the restaurant chain warning the investors about the risk of global warming in the annual report the company says climate at change might eventually affect the availability of key ingredient including avocado. it cited the lab will cause 40 percent drop in california avocado production over the next 3 decades. company says the issue could eventually drive up prices and force to it take items like guacamole off the menu. >> well first it was frequent flier miles then bereavement fare. now a crook down on the size of our carry on bag if you
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have ever tried to skip paying the baggage fee and just check it at the gate listen to this. david curly. >> you have seen it. fliers trying to put a big bag on the plane without a baggage fee notch chance of sitting in the overhead compartment. >> like in the skit on "saturday night live". >> it will fit. >> those fliers may now be stopped before they ever get to the gate and sent back to the counter. united airlines contract workers at the beginning of the security lines are now looking for folk who may carrying too much. united has recently added kiosk at airport. this is about loading and unloading aircraft more quickly. this is not a new policy just enforcement of the rule by reminding customers of the limit on the size and number of bag they can bring on board. >> passengers who do make it through security with big bag will not have to go back to the counter but they will still have to gate check without paying that bag fee. tonight
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the bag police on the job meaning may a little bit more room in those overhead compartment. david curly abc news washington reagan airport. >> police in southern california are searching for hit-and-run driver who ran into a 14-year-old girl as she darted across a busy street in santa ana. now let me warn you the have i yo is graphic but know the girl is going to be okay. she is recovering tonight. here's the story. she was crossing against red lit when she was side swiped by a red truck and split second later knocked to the ground by dark colored cadillac. now she's able to get up for a moment before falling down again poor thing. truck driver kept going but was followed by good samaritan and eventually arrested. now police are looking for the cadillac driver who did not identify herself to police. police say both drivers had stuck around neither would have been cited because the girl was jay walking. she's in the hospital with leg injuries you can see how the car hit her in the leg but she's expected to be okay.
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>> this happens all the time. in san francisco these kinds of pedestrians sdechbilitys we want to help raise awareness about them. if you would like to help go to our web site and let us know when you see someone who did not look before getting into traffic whether driver, bike rider or pedestrians post the pictures and video to twitter and instagram with hash tag didn't look. 2 or 3 people are hit in the city almost every day. >> mardi gras is in the final minutes of bee botch ri in new orleans this fat tuesday. cold wind rain didn't put a chill on the fun. thinks a lack at the french quarter wler you can see a lot of people out on the street him with umbrella. pretty cold and raining. just after 11:30 there and in less than half hour the scene changes drastically as police move in to clear out the crowd for the start of ash wednesday that begins the christian season of lent in preparation for easter. it's a period of reflection when some people
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fast which 80's mardi gras is so indull gentleman 1 big last gaps before that pivrmentd oscar apology from actor john travolta. we have that and new use forever drone. meg pot of dolphins caught from a flying camera. 7 news at 9:00 back righ welcome to the farm of jack. there's a curly fry tree. and a chopper out back. there's a barn full of buns. and a thing you gotta try. a critter that makes burgers with bacon inside. boooorrrk- it's beef and pork! get bacon in your burger. jack's new bacon insider has a juicy beef patty with bacon mixed right into it, plus bacon strips and bacon mayo on a new gourmet brioche bun. boooorrrk - it's beef and pork! get bacon in your burger. moooiiink.
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charles not having coverage stressed me out. knowing that i have an insurance card in my pocket gives me a sense of reassurance. i'm in because nobody deserves to be without health insurance. i'm in because my coverage can't be denied. i'm in so i can protect my family and my future. i'm in because she wouldn't take "no" for an answer. i'm in. [ both ] we're in. i'm in. [ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance. are you in? go to before the march 31st deadline.
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are you in? want your best rest ever? then don't miss sleep train's best rest event. you'll find sleep train's very best mattresses at the guaranteed lowest price. plus, pay no interest for 3 years on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort, even tempur-pedic. and rest even better with sleep train's risk-free 100-day money back guarantee. get your best rest ever from sleep train. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train
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♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> facebook is looking to buy drone but not for spying. web site tech crunch reporting facebook wants to purchase titan aerospace. plan to improve internet access across the world. you see titan make solar powered drone that can stay in the sky for up to 5 years without needing to land.
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the deal would be for 60 million dollars. last week facebook ceo zuckerberg said expanding areas without it would create 140 million new jobs. >> southern california man found new way to use a drone. dave anderson launch the his to capture mega pod of dolphins. his flying camera caught hundreds of dolphins and 3 gray whale migrating off the coast of san clemente. anderson has whale watching charter company and put the video on you tube. spectacular. flying drone over pats can be a little risky especially on the landing obviously. he actually lost one in january on take off when it knicked an antenna and fell. >> reminder to bay area boat tore steer clear of the whale. it's my greating season again. march through may. thousands of gray whale travel from breeding ground off mexico shore. to feed in the arctic water interalaska. many travel through busy shipping lanes off the gulf of farallons sanctuary
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outside the golden gate. federal officials warn that gray whales are particularly at riskf colliding with vessels on the water. they travel close to the shore and often wander in san francisco and the bay. >> well january travolta now rae responded to awkward presentation at sunday oscar ceremony. >> and the oscar winning animated movie frozen please welcome the wickedly talented 1 and only adele dizy. >> what? he mangled adina's name as he introduced her performance of let quite from the movie froze frozen. today travolta release add statement i have been beating myself up all day then i thought what would adina say. she would say let it go let it go. reference to the song obviously. travolta went on to congratulate she and the movie for win ago pair of oscars. >> coming up next on 7 news at 9:00 how losing your temper may
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putting your health at risk. you have to see thiswkuñ ??eç
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[ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents -- awesome. but now you can use them to make pizza night awesome, too. unroll, separate, add sauce, pepperoni, cheese, and fold. behold: weeknight crescent pizza pockets party. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop. delicious, but say i press a few out flat,
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add some beef, sloppy joe sauce and cheese, fold it all up and boom! delicious unsloppy joes perfect for a school night. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. >> rain has abated for the time being but morris coming. let's get one last check on the weather. spencer on the roof of the broadcast center tonight. >> here i am on the roof upped nice calm conditions but we have clouds and the threat of some rain. let me show you interesting time lapse. this evening sunset. this is stunning. beautiful from mount tam watch the clouds add color and texture and shape and form to this amazing sunset. it was just stunning took place at 6:06 pchl p.m. couple patches of moisture offshore but no written fall hitting the ground yet but some is expected tomorrow. look at state wide conditions tomorrow rain up in
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the northern part of the state. from eureka a south ward including the bay area whereby midday we see rain developing in the north bay and later in the day spreading south ward but southern california lack like mild dry high pressure ranging from mid 70's to mid 80's and getting back home here to the bay area tomorrow. rain develop in the north bay so it's wet for most of the day in the north bay with rain moving into the east bay and south bay later in the afternoon early evening. high pressure tomorrow near 70 degrees mild inland location and accu-weather 7 day forecast show warm weather for friday saturday. spring forward today light savings time open sunday under rainy conditions dry again on monday tuesday. >> spencer thanks very much. >> now to news about anger. and what it really does to your heart and to your health. long after the angry moment has subsided. big new study is wake up call about our lives. here's the mara. >> anger. it can have a
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powerful affect on our behavior and as it turns out our bodies. that new study finding losing your temper could lead to heart attack or stroke. harvard researchers lack at studies from around the world and found having an angry out burst makes you almost 5 times more likely to have a heart attack and more than three times more likely to have a stroke. it's not just in the moment you blow the top. risk lippingers up to 2 hours after you become enraged and even if you hold the anger inside. >> does this confirm what i think people think intuitively but never sure that your emotions can have an effect on the physical state and well-being. >> i think absolutely. i think intuition is rate. the mind and body are connected and on various organ systems certainly for cardiac. >> here's what happen of when you scream in anger the brain triggers the release of adrenalin into the bloodstream. causing blood vessels to con
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strict. raising blood pressure and harder for the heart to pump. more angry out burst you have the more you put yourself at risk. and the affects are even worse for people with existing health problems like cardio vascular disease or diabetes. >> adding it is cawshl to cool off in the heat of the moment. by taking deep breaths. walking away from the situation and counting to continue. cooler head and healthier heart. this is abc news new york. >> take a breath. most of that video from that piece came from the sports department. >> the hair trigger of larry has sports tonight. >> don't get me started dan. >> watch the heart rate. >> could snap in a movement gym on the line tonight. warriors did not go to curry or andre. final shot. fantastic
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city. >> coming up tonight at 7 news at 11:00. too close for comfort. parents demand action after advertise covering plans to open probation office for
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convict just steps from a local elementary school. it's a story you will see only on abc 7 news. >> and we showed you the viral video here tonight. you will meet the local world war ii veteran at the center of this spontaneous tribute. why he decided to put on his uniform from way back when and get throughout this past weekend ncaa and support the runners. join us for the stories and more on 7 news at 11 of over on more on 7 news at 11 of over on channel is. >> on to larry no sudden moves don't make him angry or set him off. >> you won't like me when i'm angry dan. hulk would say. tall order for the warriors on the road this evening. taking on the team with best record in the entire nba. indiana pacers and the feisty 7 foot 3 inch center roy. this was great game. friendship. put to the test in indie here goes early warrior lead finish with 19. down 10 the pacers here's curry turning it over. paul george 2
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handed throw down. third quarter indiana taking the lea lead. caught in the air and lands on the back of george hill are you sear us? dances on the rim and in. 3 point play for hill. thompson huge in the fourth quarter scoring 16 of the 25 if the final period. warriors up a dozen. here comes george on a run to tie. tied at 96. seconds lef left. go to the hot hand and thompson with a turn around jumper here. they did not want to go to curry with paul george gawringd. so instead thompson and he drains the jumper but point 6 left. jerj for the wi win. the 3 off back iron and the warriors hang on 98-96 golden state. the first victory at indiana a since 2007. as they take down the top team in the league. record wise in fact they beat miami and indiana on the road this year. only the fourth home
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loss for the pacers all season. because of the olympic break sharks are playing the first home game in almost a month tonight with alex. back up goal tender back-to-back games first time in the young career. shark and hurricane patrick marlo returns as gold medalist once again after playing for team canada. canes riding 5 game losing streak but marty rebound would tie it up. 30 second to go in the first period. james shepherd to torrez to burns. who banks it and there is nobody monitoring the slot and took the perfect test and tie it at 2. that's where they are right now. 2-two in the third perfect. so far so good. for madison. the pitcher named to be the giants opening day starter shoes far thrown 5 scoreless innings in league action. 3 innings against the rockiesed 2 hits and one strike out. double play ball off the bat of
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dj for the final out. ryan came on and went 3 soiled innings following this. and here's tony down the line. tyler scores giants get the 3-2 victory. the a's split squad action. tom facing the cubs and outfielder sam we saw him do that for years at stanfo. and diving catch. more on him in a moment. rbi single in the sixth but the a's fall to the cubs 6-4 and other game beat milwaukee by a score of 6-4. a's have 3 former stanford players. in spring training interesting for cal graduate melvin. manager says the cardinal product they are terrific. very smart. maybe not to the accident of the cal guy. abc 7 make has more. >> it's 3 college athlete from the same school on one mainly league roster. former stanford players here came over from
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tampa defy the odds. all play for the a's who are coached by a former cal bear bob melvin. >> good to see the guys and recruiting trim when i went counsel there. >> crossword pud's el are for. you 3. >> yes. i think sam could probably finish one of those with the eyes closed. >> come to organization with whole enthusiastic set of team mates. any time you share a bond with couple guys. it's not surprising. a lot of guys out there for stanford. >> taylor also team mates at stanford. >> stanford guy not able to play professionally kind of being debunk here. >> pencil in as starter at short stop and battle for playing time in the out field. they both have one thing in common. type 1 diabetes. >> try to regulate the blood sugar stay in the good level because if it gets too low or too high it can affect how you
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play and your health. in the long-term. it's a huge effort and i'll be back as an athlete. >> it's nice to buns some of the things off sam. more type 2 and with the regimen and routine. it has been nice to have that. i do my best to plan and prepare and i just my. >> all 3 hope to be playing a lot this season for the a's. mike, 7 sports. >> college baseball milestone for stanford coach recording career win no. 1500 tonight. cal make it extra sweet. the big night for the cardinal in the fourth rbi of the game to give stanford lead in the fourth. bears got blown out. 11-1 but the 1 run impressive. jacob doing some work. tight end on the football team and big dude right there. when he connects the ball it's flying. but stanford 11-1. 7 sports brought to you by toyota.
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>> he's a power hitter. >> that's a big guy. big guy. >> the story about the guy coping with diabetes and demonstrating really for the world and other young people who have that disease that you can go on and have a life. >> it requires a lot of effort and energy to constantly monitor the blood sugar but great to show that you can be a major leaguer and it's not a crippling situation by any means that you can succeed. >> very inspiring thanks very much. >> that's this edition of 7 news here on coffee tv 20 for all of us thanks for watching appreciate your time. see you in an hour on the big 7. in an hour on the big 7. >> : halloween:
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a time of vampires, hobgoblins, draculas, boogens and headless mice. i'm george takei. you know what? let's just get to it. [abba's "waterloo" playing over speakers] how is it? pretty good taco meat. i wonder how the dean scored this sweet spread. ah-ah-ah. chef gaga never reveals her caterer.


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